Wangoom Under 11’s cricket is for both boys and girls. Games are held on Sunday mornings and training is held on Thursday nights at the Wangoom Recreation Reserve. We encourage participation and improvement. We nurture our young cricketer’s to strive to be their best both on and off the field. We believe that encouragement and enjoyment are vital for a young cricketer’s development.


Our junior cricketers aren't fully grown adults with the same skill level as our senior players, so we have improved the way cricket is played to suit their needs.

  • There are smaller team sizes to encourage greater match action for all players

  • We have reduced the pitch length & boundary widths for the younger age groups to make sure they're relevant to your child's size and age

  • Gone are the days where junior cricket takes up the whole weekend! We are now offering shortened match lengths with high levels of action & involvement

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